Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rain :):):)

“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.....zzzzzzzz" After being fried at 45 degree for quite sometime here at hyderabad, this is the best phrase that came to my mind when I see the black cloud cover over the sky of Hyderabad. The best way to welcome her is to just go out and let her kiss you on the forehead.

There is something romantic in the rain that I can not explain with words- I guess this something that all of us-the rain lovers got in our souls

Rain is amazing. Rain is beautiful.

When it rains I just forget about the presence of others around me. The way the air feels just before the rain rolls in, Is simply awesome. I get goosebumps and at that time, if I can chill out with some country music , I'm in heaven. I love the tiny chatar chatar sounds that make everything seem so huge, so endless. Listening to those sounds, trying to find them while walking along a misty path is absolutely magical.

When it rains, I sit with my wet butt down in the wet grass, no longer caring if the neighbors see me, or what they might be thinking, and I just sit there in the rain, thunder and lightning creating the backdrop to the white noise. I love the feeling of rain falling on my face. I like the feelings that she bought for me.

P.S : This is bit incomplete..I wish readers will provide their valuable comment to make it complete.

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